Let your child take some of the control
Try to let your child decide how much they need to eat.
Become aware of the expectations you have of your child’s eating habits. A discrepancy between expectations and reality can often cause stress. It can help reduce parents’ frustration to realise what their child has actually eaten as opposed to what they have not.
Reflect on any positive and negative associations which you may have with food and eating. For example, children can pick up on signals that you do not like mess and thus begin to dislike the texture of certain foods which are messy, such as soup or yoghurt. Avoid using tricks, such as trying to hide new food in other meals. Be open and honest and encourage your child to try the new food alongside the rest of the family.
Let your child help to prepare a meal if they would like to. This encourages involvement, as well as an understanding of food quantities and can help to encourage eating.